The 'Confident Me' Programme
'Confident Me' is an impact-driven mental health and wellbeing programme designed to boost self-esteem self-value and self-worth. The programme is delivered as a full-day session, combining a series of 5 fun engaging, and interactive workshops, assisting young people to think introspectively about who they are, how they see themselves in the world, and how they can positively contribute to it, developing a workable plan, widening horizons, and taking action on their goals with unshakable confidence.
The program combines traditional academic education with holistic approaches to mental health support, by delivering a series of engaging and interactive group coaching workshops, for 10-16-year-olds. Assisting the development of skills in leadership, self-regulation, resilience, and creative problem solving, to boost self-confidence, self-esteem, and the adoption of a growth mindset for success.
/The Confident Me Programme/
"Inspiring young people to develop unshakable confidence"
All our 'Confident Me' programme Leads are DBS compliant and are qualified Cognitive Behavioural Coaches, Designated Mental Health Leads, and Mental Health First Aiders, who specialise in delivering high impact support, through group coaching workshops underpinned by CBT and NLP practices. Focusing on life skills emotional wellness, and horizon widening, helping young people to GLOW in life within education, and beyond.
At The Confidence Cocoon, we believe that confidence is a state of mind, an internal belief system that allows you to walk into a room and know you are enough just the way you are. The 'Confident Me' programme supports young people to overcome anxiety, overwhelm, limiting beliefs, and negative inner mind chatter, teaching valuable skills to assist with competent decision making, stepping outside of their comfort zone, being able to showcase their strengths effectively, and adopt strategies to manage anxiety. A perfect cocktail of positive skills, to assist young people whose mental health, emotional wellness, and social skills may have been negatively impacted by the pandemic and lockdown.
/The Confident Me Programme/
"Helping young people develop a sense of confidence in
themselves and their abilities"
The 'Confident Me' programme is delivered in person onsite within your setting, hosted by a 'Confident Me' Lead who will facilitate a series of sessions throughout the course of the day to support young people to think in a way that they may have never thought before, work on their interpersonal skills, access support for challenges, obtain support to overcome challenging mindstates like anxiety, create a plan for personal success and develop unshakable confidence to take action.
/The Confident Me Programme/
"Helping educational settings and youth organisations implement a culture of emotional wellness and mental health support for young people"
Our 'Confident Me' Leads will work closely with the SLT board, Pastoral Team or the Designated Mental Health Lead for your setting, to ensure the programme supports young people in a way that offers the highest impact and outcomes, to equip young people for life beyond education, through supporting the development of key skills, gaining a deeper understanding self-belief, resilience, and a growth mindset.
/The Confident Me Programme/
"Supporting kids and teens to effectively navigate balanced mental health"